الاول | Introduction to the course and discussion of the syllabus |
الثاني | Part 1 : The self-Developed language teacher |
الثالث | Exploration of teaching |
الرابع | EFL and ESL Teaching settings |
الخامس | Review of the part one + quiz |
السادس | Part 2 : teaching language as communication among people. |
السابع | Classroom Management |
الثامن | EFL / ESL Material , Media and Technology |
التاسع | Culture and the Language Teacher |
العاشر | Review of the part two + quiz |
الحادي عشر | Part 3 : Teaching students to comprehend spoken English |
الثاني عشر | Teaching the conversation class |
الثالث عشر | Teaching students to read for meaning |
الرابع عشر | Teaching students How to process writing |
الخامس عشر | Review of the part three + quiz |
السادس عشر | Type of Feedback |
السابع عشر | Simple idea to Improve Student Motivation |
الثامن عشر | Factors that influence Student's motivation in Education |
التاسع عشر | Review + quiz |
العشرون | Learning style |
الحادي والعشرون | Computer Assisted language Teaching |
الثاني والعشرون | Teaching grammar |
الثالث والعشرون | Teaching Vocabulary |
الرابع والعشرون | Teaching Pronunciation |
الخامس والعشرون | Teaching Culture |
السادس والعشرون | Teaching Writing |
السابع والعشرون | Teaching Listening |
الثامن العشرون | Teaching Speaking |
التاسع والعشرون | Reading Teaching |
الثلاثون | Course Review |