Pathological analyses Inter Computer Technology Engineering Inter English language education Inter Law Inter Quranic and linguistic studies Inter Islamic University News The Quranic Division of the Islamic University Conducts Weekly to test Students in the Holy Quran. Faculty of Medical Technologies holds a seminar on "Types of Corona Virus Vaccines" The Faculty of Islamic Sciences holds a specialized electronic training course for teachers Ministerial committee oversees e-education at Islamic University in Najaf Islamic University of Najaf enters Times Higher Education Impact Rankings Self-education Visit of the ministerial committee charged with the development of the department of radiology and sonar technologies latest news E-learning Organizational structure Registration and student affairs Quality assurance EDU Continuing education Official announcements Electronic Library University Conferences University rankings university email University Statistics Photo Galleries University buildings Inter general atmosphere Inter Medical Laboratory Inter Medical clinics Inter Playgrounds and sports Inter Muharram Al Haram Inter scholastic ambiance Inter