الاول | Unit one: |
| A- Listening to the C.D. |
| B- Imitation two conversation , production of the conversation. |
الثاني | A- Repetition of two activities of listening imitation and production. |
| B- Doing some exercises. |
الثالث | A- Repetition of three activities. |
| B- Doing the rest of the exercises. |
الرابع | Unit two: |
| C- Listening to the C.D. |
| D- Question about the conversation. |
| E- Imitation. |
| F- production. |
الخامس | C- Repetition of the three activities. |
| D- Doing some exercises. |
السادس | C- Repetition of three activities. |
| D- Doing the remaining exercises. |
السابع | Unit three: |
| A- Listening to the C.D. |
| B- Imitation. |
| C- production. |
الثامن | A- Repetition of the three activities. |
| B- Doing some exercises. |
التاسع | A- Repetition of three activities. |
| B- Doing the remaining exercises. |
العاشر | Unit four: |
| A- Listening to the C.D. |
| B- Imitation and production activities. |
الحادي عشر | A- Repetition of the three activities. |
| B- Doing some exercises. |
الثاني عشر | A- Repetition of the three activities. |
| B- Doing the remaining exercises. |
الثالث عشر | Unit five: |
| A- Listening to the C.D. |
| B- Listening , Imitation and production. |
الرابع عشر | A- Repetition of the three activities. |
| B- Doing some exercises. |
الخامس عشر | A- Repetition of the three activities. |
| B- Doing some exercises. |
السادس عشر | Unit six: |
| A- Listening to the C.D. |
| B- Imitation the conversation. |
السابع عشر | A- Repetition of the three activities. |
| B- Doing some exercises. |
الثامن عشر | A- Repetition of the three activities. |
| B- Doing the remaining exercises. |
التاسع عشر | Unit seven: |
| A- Listening to the C.D. |
| B- Imitation and production. |
العشرون | A- Repetition. |
| B- Doing some exercises. |
الحادي والعشرون | A- Repetition. |
| B- Doing the remaining exercises. |
الثاني والعشرون | Unit eight: |
| A- Listening to the C.D. |
| B- Imitation and production. |
الثالث والعشرون | A- Repetition of the three activities. |
| B- Doing some exercises. |
الرابع والعشرون | A- Repetition. |
| B- Doing the remaining exercises. |
الخامس والعشرون | Unit nine: |
| A- Listening to the C.D. |
| B- Imitation and production. |
السادس والعشرون | A- Repetition of the three activities. |
| B- Doing some exercises. |
السابع والعشرون | Unit ten: |
| A- Listening to the C.D. |
| B- Imitation and production. |
الثامن العشرون | A- Doing some exercises. |
| B- Repetition. |
التاسع والعشرون | Revision |
الثلاثون | Revision |