الثانيIntroduction to English novel
الثالث The biography of Thomas hardy
الرابع Analyzing book 1 the three women
الخامس Analyzing book 1 the three women
السادس Analyzing book 2 the arrival
السابع Analyzing book 2 the arrival
الثامن Analyzing book 3 the fascination
التاسع Analyzing book 3 the fascination
العاشر Analyzing book 4 the closed door
الحادي عشر Analyzing book 4 the closed door
الثاني عشرAnalyzing book 5 the discovery
الثالث عشر Analyzing book 5 the discovery
الرابع عشر Analyzing book 6 after courses
الخامس عشرMidterm Exam
السادس عشر D.H. Laurence’s biography
السابع عشر Analyzing chapter one from sons and lovers
الثامن عشر Analyzing chapter two from sons and lovers
التاسع عشرAnalyzing chapter three from sons and lovers
العشرون Analyzing chapters four and five from sons and lovers
الحادي والعشرون Analyzing chapters six from sons and lovers
الثاني والعشرون Analyzing chapter seven from sons and lovers
الثالث والعشرون Analyzing chapters eight and nine from sons and lovers
الرابع والعشرون Analyzing chapters ten and eleven from sons and lovers
الخامس والعشرونAnalyzing chapters twelve and 13 from sons and lovers
السادس والعشرون Analyzing chapter fourteen from sons and lovers
السابع والعشرون Analyzing chapter fifteen from sons and lovers
الثامن العشرون Criticism about sons and lovers
التاسع والعشرونCriticism about the return of the native
الثلاثون Comparing and contrasting the two novels