الأول | Historical Background on Teaching Methods |
الثاني | The Communicative Approach |
الثالث | The Objectives and how to formulate them (Practice) |
الرابع | Lesson Plans and how to make them (Practice) |
الخامس | Observation in the Schools |
السادس | Observation on the Schools |
السابع | Discussing Reports of Observation |
الثامن | Practice: Presenting Training Lectures by students |
التاسع | Practice: Presenting Training Lectures by students |
العاشر | Practice: Presenting Training Lectures by students |
الحادي عشر | Practice: Presenting Training Lectures by students |
الثاني عشر | Practice: Presenting Training Lectures by students |
الثالث عشر | Practice: Presenting Training Lectures by students |
الرابع عشر | Practice: Presenting Training Lectures by students |
الخامس عشر | Practice: Presenting Training Lectures by students |
السادس عشر | Preparation for the Application |
السابع عشر | Preparation for the Application |
الثامن عشر | Application in Schools |
التاسع عشر | Application in Schools |
العشرون | Application in Schools |
الحادي والعشرون | Application in Schools |
الثاني والعشرون | Application in Schools |
الثالث والعشرون | Application in Schools |
الرابع والعشرون | Application in Schools |
الخامس والعشرون | General Discussion on Application |
السادس والعشرون | Discussing Application Reports |
السابع والعشرون | Discussing Application Reports |
الثامن العشرون | Discussing Application Reports |
التاسع والعشرون | Presenting Final Formal Lectures |
الثلاثون | Presenting Final Formal Lectures |