الأولHistorical Background on Teaching Methods
الثانيThe Communicative Approach
الثالثThe Objectives and how to formulate them (Practice)
الرابعLesson Plans and how to make them (Practice)
الخامسObservation in the Schools
السادسObservation on the Schools
السابعDiscussing Reports of Observation
الثامنPractice: Presenting Training Lectures by students
التاسعPractice: Presenting Training Lectures by students
العاشرPractice: Presenting Training Lectures by students
الحادي عشرPractice: Presenting Training Lectures by students
الثاني عشرPractice: Presenting Training Lectures by students
الثالث عشرPractice: Presenting Training Lectures by students
الرابع عشرPractice: Presenting Training Lectures by students
الخامس عشرPractice: Presenting Training Lectures by students
السادس عشرPreparation for the Application
السابع عشرPreparation for the Application
الثامن عشرApplication in Schools
التاسع عشرApplication in Schools
العشرونApplication in Schools
الحادي والعشرونApplication in Schools
الثاني والعشرونApplication in Schools
الثالث والعشرونApplication in Schools
الرابع والعشرونApplication in Schools
الخامس والعشرونGeneral Discussion on Application
السادس والعشرونDiscussing Application Reports
السابع والعشرونDiscussing Application Reports
الثامن العشرونDiscussing Application Reports
التاسع والعشرونPresenting Final Formal Lectures
الثلاثونPresenting Final Formal Lectures